Fewer than last year. Again. I'll make this short. Before next Thursday's Mac event, Tim Cook and company have to get through next Tuesday's results. For the…

Watch the analysts change their tune. Several Apple analysts used Tuesday's results as an opportunity to fine-tune their 12-month price targets. Among the ones I've seen: 5 raised their targets…
Exclusive: The individual estimates, as complete, accurate and up-to-date as I can make them. Wall Street professionals in blue, independents in green. Corrections appreciated, but the betting…
Read More Apple Earnings Smackdown: Final spreadsheet, Q3 2016
Anticipating September's guidance. There's a school of thought that says the only numbers that will matter when Apple reports its results after the markets close later today are the guidance…
Read More These are the numbers that could move Apple's share price
At least one source of revenue is still growing. Six months ago, Tim Cook asked investors to look beyond unit sales of Apple's hardware line-up and consider the revenue…
Read More This may be the only good news Apple reports on Tuesday

Once again, fewer than it sold last year. Make it a quadfecta. Like the iPhone, the Mac and the Apple Watch, the iPad is expected to…
Analyst's estimates range all the way from 1 million to 4 million. To headline writers it's a disappointment, a let down, a bust, a flop. To Apple Watch owners, it's a hit. According…

Get ready for the third year-over-year decline in a row. I'm filing this from Cleveland, where there's a lot going on. I'll keep it brief. Nobody's…
Estimates range from 38 million to 43 million. Average: 40 million. Nobody on Wall Street should be surprised when Apple releases its June quarter earnings a…