This is an odd quarter, with a lot of last minute second-guessing.
Needless to say, Wall Street didn't get the iPhone supercycle it was expecting.
Read More Apple to report supercycle-free Q2 earnings on May 1
REVISED VERSION: The pros and the independents find some middle ground.
Exclusive: The individual analysts’ estimates—as complete, accurate and up-to-date as I can make them.
Not quite as fast as last quarter, according to the analysts I've heard from so far.
For the fourth quarter in a row, the bloggers clobber the pros.
Exclusive: The individual analysts’ estimates—as complete, accurate and up-to-date as I can make them.
Read More Apple Earnings Smackdown: Final spreadsheet Q4 2017
Nearly 60% more than last year, according to these analysts.
Read More How many Watches did Apple sell last quarter? (Q4 2017)
Faster than Apple's other revenue streams, according to these 25 analysts.