From friend-of-the-blog victor ("tradervic") castroll
Pretty damning, if true.
Read More WSJ: Apple is shuffling deck chairs on sinking iPhone sales
Why Sinfield calls this one "The (future) Home of Autonomous Systems" is a mystery to me.
From "How is the iPhone installed base growing double digits with no unit growth?," a note sent to clients Tuesday by analyst Wamsi Mohan: We view…
NTK News: Two years, 165 Apple hit pieces
6 years ago

Before Facebook hired Definers' opposition research team, Qualcomm used it to target Apple.
From Jean Louis Gassée's "50 Years in Tech Part 10" Hard Landing In Cupertino.
Would Apple stoop to making a TV dongle?
6 years ago

From "Apple Considered New Connected TV 'Dongle'," posted on The Information Wednesday.
Jun Zhang blows hot and cold on Apple.