Block that metaphor! Early in his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey hit on the best analogy yet to describe…
Read More How Apple's Vicious Guard Dog Keeps the FBI at Bay
Block that metaphor! Early in his testimony before the House Judiciary Committee on Tuesday, FBI Director James Comey hit on the best analogy yet to describe…
Read More How Apple's Vicious Guard Dog Keeps the FBI at Bay
The judicial rebuke could not have been stronger. It was a case about a drug dealer in New York, not a terrorist in California. But when U.S. Magistrate…
Read More The FBI’s Case Against Apple Got Kneecapped in Brooklyn
Timing is everything. J. Edgar Hoover was a master at this game. The legendary FBI director would latch on to the latest boogeyman—the Lindbergh kidnapper, a…
All five are now on the record against Apple. The question of what Apple should be compelled to do about the San Bernardino iPhone came up at the…
Read More Here's What the GOP Candidates Said About Apple vs. FBI
The government's brief is weak. Apple's is strong. I'm not a lawyer and I've been wrong before. But I've read a few briefs in my career…
Read More My Take on San Bernardino: Apple Will Win This Case
Where Apple's fight with the feds fits in the history of strong cryptography. I'm old enough to remember when encryption technologies not half as powerful as…
He would have been 61. As I did when he was still running Apple (aapl), I'd like to celebrate Steve Jobs' life by re-posting the most…
They're saying two very different things. In the standoff over access to the San Bernardino shooter's iPhone, who's right: Apple or the FBI? A variety of opinion…
Apple's tough stance on privacy and security didn't originate with Tim Cook. Here's Steve Jobs at AllThingsD8, five years before San Bernardino, telling Walt Mossberg and…
Read More Here's Steve Jobs on What Privacy Means to Apple—Video
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