I remember the guys at General Magic. I remember what Apple did to them.
Good thing, for Apple's sake, that it runs less than 20% of the world's smartphones.
Not Samsung's finest. (videos)
Apple has always enjoyed a home-town advantage.
Read More CIRP: Apple gained on both Google and Samsung last quarter
Can you spot the memoji deadbeats in Apple's leadership team?
Hey Apple, where are your priorities?
Takes a licking, keeps on clicking.
Read More Apple iPhone plummets 450 feet, recording all the way
From MarketWatch's "How iPhone buying patterns have changed over time, in one chart."
While Americans were playing Fortnight, the Chinese found other ways to entertain themselves.
Read More Why Chinese gamers hit the brakes on App Store sales
Bernstein's Toni Sacconaghi looks at Apple's pace of innovation and wonders where $12.7 billion in annual R&D spending is going.
Read More What's Apple got to show for a 5X increase in R&D?